May 28, 2020

Oceangirl667 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey everyone! Danny here with a scammer I saw yesterday in Jamaa Township. Oceangirl667 was advertising that if you bought something from the shop in their den, you would get a free spike and spiked wristband.

I went to their den and checked out their shop. There was only one item for sale, a very much overpriced pet puppy for 10 diamonds. I was very skeptical of this offer, especially since Oceangirl667 didn't have a spike, or any very rare items for that matter, on any of their animals. If they really had two spikes, why would they give them out for a measly 10 diamonds when spikes are most often priced at many hundreds of diamonds?

I sent Oceangirl667 a JAG asking if I could see the spikes, as I was curious if they had them at all. They responded by telling me that I would only see them if someone buys from their shop. This is very suspicious, and if Oceangirl667 actually did have the spikes to give out, it would be an insanely shady business practice. Why would you not tell your customers exactly what they get as part of the special offer you're putting on? Nobody would want to purchase anything from you if you're super vague about what they get in return.

I sent them another JAG saying that I wanted to know what color they were, but they did not respond to me. I went to their Jammer Wall to try and contact them there, and I decided to scroll up a bit out of curiosity. I saw a bunch of messages from another player from the previous day repeatedly warning others to "not do it" and to report Oceangirl667 for scamming. They said that Oceangirl667 had locked them out of the den, presumably after scamming them.

When I checked Oceangirl667's player card to JAG them again, I noticed they had logged off. The pet puppy for sale in their shop remained untouched.
Make sure to report Oceangirl667 for scamming!


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