May 26, 2020

Agent Insights Ep 42: The Accept, Accept, Decline Scam

Hello, everyone. Flint here, to talk about a type of scam that's grown in popularity recently.

The Accept, Accept, Decline scam often happens when someone will claim that they want to trust/troll trade. They will claim that you can do this safely and without risk by accepting twice and declining on the last round; this is as opposed to normal trust trading where there is lots of risk that the person you're trusting with will run off with your items. Sometimes they just try to get you to accept-accept-decline without claiming anything. Really, this scam occurs any time someone claims that you can accept twice and decline on a trade.

However, trading only has two stages. If you follow the scammer's instructions, you will accept twice, and find that you can't cancel the trade. The scammer will accept, and you will have lost your items. There is technically a small window to decline after accepting twice, but the scammer is prepared to accept at lightning speed, and you have a very low and almost nonexistent chance of declining the trade. This is just flash trading, but updated for the new trading system. Anyone trying to do it is trying to scam you.

This scam can easily be avoided by remembering that trading has two stages, and ignoring anyone who says otherwise. Most scams of this sort can just be avoided by only trading when you intend to accept the trade and perform no further trades.

That's all for today. Bye!


  1. There's another method similar to this (I apologize if you've already made a post on this, I think its a pretty uncommon scam so thought I'd mention it). So basically the scammer trades you a bunch of bad items, i.e. necklaces and stuff, along with one good item, but quickly decline and say you were "too slow". Usually they're doing the really full trades for an okay item, like a den beta, but trading something a lot bigger, like a long or a solid. They'll keep trading and declining a couple times so you start just trying to accept really fast, because even though you can't see the good item, you assume its there. Then, after a couple declines the scammer lets you accept, but never traded the good item. This happened to me awhile back, I only lost a wrist but I definitely think people may/could lose more. If there's already a post on this feel free to unapprove or delete my comment, but this just sparked my memory on that.

    1. I've heard of this scam before, but only in regards to a similar version that only occurs on PW/non-Classic AJ. It happens when people will add in tons of worthless items and one good item, then will try to remove the worthless item from the list before trading, hoping the other person doesn't notice. This doesn't work on AJ since you can't change trades after they're sent. I haven't heard of your type of scam before, but it certainly sounds like it could work. Thanks for telling us, we'll add it to the Types of Scams page and possibly make an Agent Insights on it.


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