May 15, 2020

checksy345 + mom7756 (AJPC)

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Hey gang! Danny here with a scammer I caught a few days ago on May 11. I actually recorded this entire interaction instead of taking screenshots as I went, so the pictures may be a little grainy - sorry about that. I saw checksy345 in Jamaa Township advertising that they were giving away their list in their den.

Their list included a green long as well as a purple long wrist. I went to their den to see what was up.

Once checksy345 came back, they announced how the giveaway would work. They clarified that they would not be accepting, and that the best trade they received would win the prize.


This didn't seem like a scam at first, but I stuck around to see what was up. They replaced the spikes with some trading fodder and people started trading.

I tried to ask them why we were trading them if this was a giveaway, and how this was going to help determine a winner. They didn't answer.
A few moments later, they received a trade from mom7756, who asked them to trade their items back. So much for apparently not accepting trades. mom7756 claimed they had traded a black long, and checksy345 traded it back a moment after.

Sure enough, checksy345 announced that mom7756 was now in the lead with a black long. This was definitely suspicious, but at this point, I was more focussed on checksy345 actually answering my questions.

I continued to ask why we couldn't just do a wheel or something, and checksy345 continued to ignore me. After a few minutes, they then told me that if I didn't trust, they were sorry. Before I could say I was just asking a question and they were the one who was ignoring me, they locked me out.

It turns out, though, that sacrificing my image quality to record this interaction paid off after all. While reviewing my footage after the fact, I noticed that mom7756 was awfully quiet for the duration of the giveaway, despite trading a black long right out of the gate. Below is a gif of mom7756 standing still and saying almost nothing for nearly 3 entire minutes (sped up 8x for your leisure) while checksy345 continues the giveaway, lasting from when checksy345 traded back their black long up to the point where I was locked out of the den.

 Their near radio silence and stationary position for most of the giveaway, combined with both their very generous offering at the start of the giveaway and their very stilted and scripted lines (omg yes, i traded black long), leads me to believe that mom7756 and checksy345 are the same person.
If mom7756 was really so invested in this giveaway that they would trade a black long to start, there's no reason they'd be so lax and inactive throughout the rest of it. The fact they traded a black long also makes absolutely no sense, as a black long is worth way more than the combined value of both spikes allegedly being "given away". mom7756 was most likely only brought in to "trade" a black long and demonstrate how safe the giveaway was to encourage others to trade their rares as well. After all, checksy345 has very few achievements - how else would they be able to have not one, but two long spikes?

Make sure to report both checksy345 and mom7756 for scamming!

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