August 21, 2019

Agent Insights Ep 17: Why is it Important to Catch Scammers?

Hey all! Jade here, with the latest Agent Insights post. Today we’ll be talking about why it’s important to catch scammers. 

Now, I think a lot of people have a similar mindset, one that can even lead to them becoming scammers: They’re just pixels, so why does it matter? It’s not like it’s actually stealing in real life, so it’s not actually hurting anybody. 

I do agree with part of that statement- It shouldn’t matter. They’re just pixels. But, that still doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter! Just because you didn’t steal anything in real life doesn’t mean that you aren’t hurting someone emotionally. Besides, the majority of Animal Jam’s users are in a much younger age group, which means anything along the lines of scamming will affect them much more than older individuals. 

Along with the fact that you are hurting someone, just not physically, Animal Jam scamming also normalizes bad behaviors in real life. If someone scams on Animal Jam and faces no consequences for it, they may be led to believe that they can do the same thing and other similar behaviors in real life and not get in trouble, which is evidently a very bad mindset. 

For these reasons, we need to keep putting an effort into stopping scammers on Animal Jam. Pixels may not matter to some, but they matter to others. Watch out for those who might get hurt, and help stop those who would try to hurt them. And as always, stay safe out there, Jammers!

1 comment:

  1. Se são apenas pixels, por quê roubar? Lol
    Se é algo que não importa,por quê que esses golpistas chegam ao ponto de querer roubar??


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