May 16, 2020

Random Saturday Ep 49: Animal-only areas in PW

What's up everyone! I'm here with your next episode of random saturdays! Today's topic is the Animal-only areas in PW, henceforth knon as hideouts.

So, this feature is a PW only feature. There are areas in the Jamaa of PW that only certain, specific animals can access. The arctic wolves, bunnies, deers, foxes, horses, lemurs, lions, monkeys, pandas, raccoons, snow leopards, tigers and wolves have hideouts of their own. I also want to mention that arctic foxes have access to the fox-only hideout, moose can access the deer-only hideout, arabian horses can access the horse-only hideout and arctic wolves and direwolves can access the wolf-only hideout. Out of all the animals, the arctic wolf is the only one that has access to two hideouts.

The different hideouts have a different theme each. I also noticed that the land where each hideout is found heavily influences the theming of it. For example, the tiger hideout has the theme of a beach because it is located at crystal sands. Meanwhile, the monkey hideout looks like a jungle because it is found in sarepia forest.

Now that PW has taken on the name of "Animal Jam", I hope to see new areas released for some of the newer animals out there! I think that'll be cool!

So, if you have any of the animals mentioned above, you can enter the specific hideout of your animal! I won't be covering the specifics of all the hideouts in this post, but maybe they could be in future random saturdays!

That's all from me now, till next post!

1 comment:

  1. wow thx for letting us know btw my user is -oleg84


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