May 02, 2020

Novapaw1215 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey gang! Several days ago, on April 27, I found Novapaw1215 advertising that they were giving away their trade list in their den. Their trade list in question included a black short wrist, as well as a green long collar. I decided to go to their den to see what was up.

The giveaway was split into two sections. The first was for the black short wrist, which simply involved a contest in which the first person who sent Novapaw1215 a JAG would win. Sure enough, the winner was announced, but I'm not sure if the spike was given away or not.
The next portion of the giveaway was for the green long. Novapaw1215 announced that we would be tasked with "trolling" them, which typically alludes to sending somebody a very good trade, but then declining it on the last stage.

However, then Novapaw1215 told us that this version of trolling would involve us sending them a trade, accepting it twice, and then cancelling.

This doesn't seem like a scam on the surface, which is why it is so easy to fall for. How a trade works is Player A sends a trade to Player B; if Player B accepts the trade, then both players have to accept the trade a second time, and then it goes through. It is impossible to accept a trade twice and then cancel it, you can only cancel after accepting once.
Aside from blatantly lying about how the trading system works to deceive people, this was also clearly a scam because at no point did Novapaw1215 actually explain how this would determine the winner of the giveaway. I guess they were just banking on being able to accept the first trade someone sent without thinking about it.
Myself and a few other people in the den tried to voice our concerns about this, but Novapaw1215 ignored us before locking the den.

Make sure to report Novapaw1215 for scamming! Stay safe and make sure to never accept a trade you don't like!

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