May 04, 2020

marobri + KØrekiiyo (member) + others (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey gang! Danny here with a rather long post about a strange scammer who has been been making quite the name for themself the last few days. Earlier today, I received a JAG from marobri asking if I had an Ice Cave, and told me they were offering their entire list for the item.

I checked their list, and it was nearly full to the brim with rare items, including a green headdress and 5 black longs.

I remembered that I had an Ice Cave on one of my backup accounts, but I also remembered that the Ice Cave was an easily obtainable item that appeared in the Jamaaliday advent calendar for multiple years, so there was no way it was worth anywhere close to as much as marobri was offering.
I didn't respond to their JAG because it sounded incredibly fishy; I highly doubted they were actually giving away so much stuff of such outrageous value, so I went to the Animal Jam Wiki just to double-check that I wasn't passing up the deal of a lifetime.

Sure enough, I was correct. Despite the fact I didn't respond to marobri's JAG, a few minutes after that, I received an incredibly vague JAG from someone named KØrekiiyo asking me to come to their den. I sent them another JAG asking who they were, but they did not end up replying to me. We'll come back to this, just hold on a second.

Out of curiosity, I scrolled to the comments section of the Ice Cave page and was greeted with a surprise.

A lengthy comment by melissanne (who collaborated with me on some of the info in this post and who gave me permission to credit her, thank you!) explaining her encounter with a player who was confirmed to be marobri by a testimony from another commenter. While the other person's name here is listed as koolkittykat1234 as a placeholder, I will refer to them as their confirmed name, which is koolkittykat3245. The comment itself is rather long, but if you don't feel like reading the entire thing, allow me to summarize it for you as best I can:

  • marobri sent melissanne the same JAG they sent me, asking if melissanne had an ice cave she would trade for marobri's list, which contained many extremely valuable items.
  • melissanne said she would have to check her backup's inventory for an ice cave, but marobri was adamant that they would only accept an offer immediately. 
  • While checking her backup account's inventory, melissanne got a random buddy request from koolkittykat3245.
  • She went to koolkittykat3245's den, and koolkittykat3245 offered an ice cave for melissanne's black long.
  • melissanne declined the trade and told them the ice cave was not worth that much, and koolkittykat3245 claimed that the cave was glitched because it had yellow eyes on it (the ice cave does not have a glitched variant, this is just what the item looks like normally).
  • melissanne continued to offer less valuable items for the ice cave, but koolkittykat3245 was only interested in the black long or something of similar value.
  • While all this was going on, marobri sent melissanne a JAG asking her to accept their offer, after melissanne sent them a JAG explaining that someone was trying to trade her an ice cave. They were allegedly being very aggressive and pushing melissanne to make the trade right now or they would trade away their entire list.
  • melissanne told koolkittykat3245 that she would only trade a purple short for the ice cave, suspecting that koolkittykat3245 would not accept the trade. Her suspicions were confirmed, as koolkittykat3245 unbuddied her and locked her out of their den.
  • Then, marobri asked melissanne to come to their den, and after asking why, marobri unbuddied and apparently blocked her.

This is an advanced rendition of something we refer to as the S14 scam. This scam always involves two people, or at the very least one person operating two separate accounts. One of them asks for an uncommon item in exchange for their list, often made up of very rare items, but they will only accept that one hard-to-find item. The other person has that item for trade, but they are asking for a lot, most likely way more than the item is actually worth.
If you trade the second person to get the uncommon item, suddenly, both players will disappear, and you have just traded your valuable items for a piece of junk. More information can be found on our Agent Insights entry about this scam.

The S14 scam can already be difficult to identify if you don't know what to look out for, but in this case, it's made even more complicated by choosing an item not many people know about, and by claiming that the item is glitched. This is why it's very important to check trusted resources, such as the Animal Jam Wiki and the AJ Item Worth Wiki, to find out an item's value and whether or not it is actually glitched.

If you are an active reader of our blog, the name koolkittykat3245 may ring a bell for you. Well, it did for me as well, and there is a reason for that it turns out! Out of curiosity, I reached out to melissanne so I could ask her some questions about her encounter with marobri, as she said in her original comment that she couldn't remember the exact names of the scammers.

We met up in my den, and she told me that a reply from another commenter reminded her that the scammer's name was, in fact, marobri. You may remember koolkittykat3245 as a scammer I caught a few days earlier, actually the same day melissanne made her comment, doing a fake giveaway scam in their den (full post on that can be found here). I asked melissanne if the other player's name was in fact koolkittykat3245 (she didn't remember what the number combination was), and she confirmed that it was.

It would seem melissanne and I were not the only ones to be approached by marobri, as other commenters followed up with their own eerily similar stories. While the second commenter did not specify the username of the second player who approached them, the first commenter said it was someone by the name of t09126. This either means marobri has multiple backup accounts, or they are in collaboration with numerous other scammers.

Judging by the similarity of each of our stories, and the fact that KØrekiiyo JAG'd me out of nowhere and also did not respond to me simply asking who they were, this leads me to believe that KØrekiiyo, koolkittykat3245, and t09126 are all alts or in collaboration with marobri.

Make sure to watch out for all of these players (marobri, KØrekiiyo, koolkittykat3245, and t09126) and report them for scamming. Remember that you should always remain skeptical if a trade seems too good to be true, and check online for an item's value before making a trade.
Stay safe and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. That's a LOT of scammers needed to be reported. It's sad, too, that there are so many scammers in a kid's game.


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We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
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