May 05, 2020

Agent Insights Ep 39: Reporting

Hello, everyone. Flint here, to talk about the Animal Jam reporting function and how it actually works.

As I'm sure you know, Animal Jam has a reporting function in-game. You can click on someone's name, click on the report button, send in a report for a variety of reasons, and then the report gets sent.

Reporting can sometimes feel like it doesn't really do anything. However, if many people report someone for the same reason, that someone will be suspended. AJHQ can tell if someone is scamming/rule-breaking or not (they have access to chat histories/JAG histories/etc.)

One person reporting doesn't do anything, but many people reporting does. This is why we always recommend that you report scammers you see in-game, as well as scammers you see posted here. If enough people report them, they can get suspended. This goes for all the things you can get reported for. Whether someone is scamming, being inappropriate, being mean, or whatever, reporting them and asking other people to do the same is helpful and can lead to appropriate action being taken against that user.

If a bunch of jammers decide to mass-report some random person they don't like, said random person won't get banned. AJ will look at their account, determine that they didn't actually do anything, and nothing will happen. So, you don't need to worry about report-spam falsely banning you.

In summary, please report the scammers that we post here. If enough people report, those scammers will be banned.

That's all for today. Make sure to always report people breaking the rules, and goodbye!

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