May 12, 2020

lillyboi22 + galaxyprince9 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hi Guys! This post is actually co-authored by Danny and Gamma Neutron. Danny was in Jamaa Township a couple days ago when they saw lillyboi22 advertising for a giveaway for a green short at their den. This seemed a bit fishy since they only had a few achievements, so we went to check it out.

When they got there they said that for a "warm-up" they will give away something small, a designer skirt.

They announced that to win the designer skirt, we would be doing a trust giveaway, meaning we would have to trade them items and they would give them back. Presumably, the best item that was traded would win. They then switched the items on their trade to a bunch of necklaces.
This is an incredibly common scam, as the scammer could easily just take your items and run off without giving you your stuff back - there is no reason to give items to someone if you expect to receive them back immediately after.

After a lot of us questioning them and other players in the den knowing it was a blatant scam, they finally caved and said they would do the traditional wheel method. A wheel giveaway involves putting the names of the players entering the giveaway on a virtual wheel, spinning it, and the name it lands on is the winner, basically the same as doing a draw.

They had us all JAG them to be added to the wheel, and after a minute, announced a winner - galaxyprince9.

Everyone immediately realized that galaxyprince9, the person they had declared the winner of the giveaway, had literally just shown up and wasn't present for the rest of the giveaway. The only person who vouched for galaxyprince9 being there the whole time was lillyboi22 themself, and the rest of the players in the den testified that they only came into the den recently when lillyboi22 changed to a wheel giveaway.

It was pretty clear to all of us that galaxyprince9 was lillyboi22's other account, as galaxyprince9 did not show up until lillyboi22 had to prove the giveaway was legitimate, the two did not move at the same time, and it was often the case that one would start moving immediately after the other got a sentence out. galaxyprince9 also put the green short on their animal to prove they had received their prize, but it didn't really prove or disprove anything.

lillyboi22 continued to claim that galaxyprince9 had won, but everybody had caught on at this point and the rest of it eventually fell apart.
Make sure to report lillyboiy22 and galaxyprince9 for scamming.

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