May 14, 2020

Lìonzz (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey all, Jade here with another scammer post! First off, I want to point out that this scammer's username is Lìonzz with an accent on the i, not Lionzz. Now, onto the post!

A few weeks ago, I found this scammer in Jamaa Township, advertising a giveaway of their list in their den.


I was pretty suspicious of this immediately, as most rare item giveaways (especially those involving spikes or higher) turn out to be scams. I went to their den, then began investigating.

I noticed that they had three achievements, one animal, and no pets, which is a sign that this account is likely an alt.


After a while, the scammer came to their den and told us that we were going to be doing "flash". This method is where you accept the trade at first, but then cancel at the last moment. It's less common now that Animal Jam uses a more extensive trading verification system, but it does still happen. Some people were confused on how it worked, so they told us that we would "accept twice and cancel". 

A couple people started accusing them of scamming, so they then asked anybody who thought it was a scam to leave the den.

I asked them why we couldn't trade directly for the spikes, but they never answered me.


They told us that there would be three rounds- one for the purple spike, one for the black spike, and one for the orange spike. Then, they put a necklace on trade and told us that we could start trading.

A couple of us started trading, but nothing happened for a few minutes. Then, one of the Jammers in the den traded them, then disappeared immediately after. At the same time, the necklace disappeared off the scammer's trade list. I found this pretty suspicious- it looked like they may have been locked out of the den. I suspected that the scammer had managed to accept the trade before they could decline, then locked them out before they could protest and alert everybody else there.

I asked the scammer why the necklace was off trade, and they said that they were reducing lag. Of course, this didn't explain why the other Jammer disappeared, so I Jam-a-grammed them to check what had happened.

One of the JAGs I received from them was blocked, and only appeared as "Animal Jam Rocks!", but the other said "DONT ACCEPT!!". I (correctly) assumed that they had been scammed, and told them that I would meet them in my den in a little while. More on that Jammer later!

At this point, there was only me and one other person left in the den. We traded for a few more minutes, and the other Jammer ended up trading a yellow short wrist.


The scammer then told us to do our "final trades", which they said would help them decide who wins. I ended up trading a few RIMs and a worn blanket, which I successfully declined. I assume that the other Jammer traded their spike again. 

Immediately after the other Jammer traded, we were locked out of the den. I assumed this meant that the other Jammer had failed to decline before the scammer accepted, so their spike was stolen.

I then went to my den to talk to the first person that had gotten scammed, and asked them what they had lost.


As you can see, they unfortunately lost quite a few items. I then Jam-a-grammed the other person who got scammed to come to my den, but they had gone offline. 

I told the Jammer in my den to report the scammer, but they told me that they couldn't find their username. This is when we discovered that their username used an "i" with an accent. This is, unfortunately, a common tactic used by scammers now that AJHQ allows you to put other characters in your username - deliberately making their accounts difficult to search up so that it's harder to report them.

About an hour later, I got a reply from the second person that said "Yes", confirming that they had been scammed. I asked them to come to my den and they said they would- they ended up finally meeting me a few days ago.

As you can see, they did indeed lose their yellow spike, along with a few other things. Therefore, please report Lìonzz for scamming (you can copy and paste their username into the player search bar). Stay safe and Jam On!

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