May 31, 2020

dukejaster (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey everyone! It's Danny here with a scammer that I found a few days ago in Jamaa Township. dukejaster was advertising that they were hosting a giveaway for some spikes at their den.

They had two spiked collars, a yellow short and a pink short, on their trade list that would presumably be the prizes for the giveaway. I went to their den to check it out.

Once more people arrived, dukejaster came back and explained how the giveaway would work. They said that participants would be offering trades for the RIM on their trade list, and they would accept the trade twice, and then decline at the last minute.
This is essentially a new-school version of the old flash trading tactic from before the trading system was updated to be more scammer-proof. You send a trade for a bad item, accept it, and then decline it as the trade is about to be processed.
This is nearly always a scam because it doesn't serve any meaningful purpose in actually choosing a winner of the giveaway. The point is usually that the best trade the scammer receives "wins", but this is an extremely unfair way of deciding a winner, as only players who already have rare items to trade with will have any chance of winning. There is also absolutely no reason to trade someone your items if you don't actually want to give them your items. It would be way easier and more efficient to do a draw or a wheel or something.

dukejaster replaced the spikes on their trade with some rare Musketeer boots and people began trading.

I asked them why we were trading them, and how exactly this was going to help determine a winner. I asked them multiple times, but they ignored me the entire time. I tried to tell others not to trade them via JAGs, but this didn't seem to deter them from trading.
A few minutes into the scam, one of the participants spoke up and said that dukejaster had scammed them. While we were trying to ask how they got scammed and what they lost, they suddenly disappeared from the den.

dukejaster continued to count down until the giveaway was over, but didn't really say who was winning. When time was finally up, all of us were locked out of the den.
I sent the person who claimed to have been scammed a JAG asking if they had left the den or if they had been locked out, and they told me dukejaster had locked them out after taking their items.

Make sure to report dukejaster for scamming. Stay safe and always trade wisely!


  1. honeybunny11066/02/2020 3:01 pm

    I have been scammed by him once. This was couple days ago, before I heard about this blog I got 15 people to report him. He took my solid and blue long which were both worked hard for.


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We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
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