June 04, 2020

puravik3 + Cookiebearrr (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.


Hey y'all, Jade here with another scammer post! The other day, I was in Jamaa Township, and I got this Jamagram from puravik3.

They were apparently looking for a black and white Keytar for their best friend, and offering their list for it. I opened up their list, and this is what they were offering:


I had never heard of the Keytar before this, so seeing such a large offer for it was pretty strange. I looked up the item, and found out that it could formerly be bought at the Jam Session party. Now, this item being a bit rare isn't unreasonable, seeing as it's from a discontinued party and isn't available to be bought anymore, but it's certainly not worth spikes, let alone nearly three solids.

I replied back to the Jamagram and told them that the item wasn't nearly that rare, and they replied with this, trying to convince me that it actually was really rare. A few seconds after they sent that Jamagram, I received a trade request from another Jammer, Cookiebearrr.


What a coincidence- they were trying to trade a black and white Keytar for my spike! Now, as I said before, the Keytar definitely isn't worth spikes, so I declined the trade. After I declined, both puravik3 and Cookiebearrr went offline- likely to avoid questioning from me. 

I believe that these two were attempting a two-person scam- If I had accepted Cookiebearr's trade, both accounts would have disappeared before I had the chance to trade puravik3, and I would have been left with a practically worthless Keytar. You can find more detailed information about two-person scams here and here. Therefore, please report these accounts for attempted scamming. 

That's all for today- thanks for reading! Stay safe, and jam on!

1 comment:

  1. They did the same thing to me too but i declined and they went offline the next day they kept going to my den.


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