June 18, 2020

ayesha8 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hellooo! Agent Quacc here with another scammer post. I found ayesha8 advertising in Coral Canyons that they would be giving away den betas in their den. I checked their list and they had two betas which are the tan floor and brick wall.

I went to their den to investigate. After it was filled up, ayesha8 brought up how the winner was going to be announced. 


ayesha8 then said that they would be using the accept, accept, decline method to find a "winner" for their giveaway. If you don't already know, you can only ever accept two times in a trade request before the trade completely goes through. Of course, there's still some time to press cancel but by then, the other person probably already completely accepted. This usually ends with the scammer leaving/locking you out and taking your items with them. ayesha8 then said that there was going to be a wheel after to help make jammers stay until the end.


For some reason, ayesha8 decided to switch to using a wheel. They even said that if you gift them, you'll get another spot on the wheel. It's highly likely that they just said that to get gifts and were trying to get even more items from jammers. In less than 10 seconds, ayesha8 said that they managed to write down everyone's names. Less then half of the jammers in their den said their name for them to write it all down and in a very short amount of time. This allows me to believe that they didn't even try to use a wheel at all.


ayesha8 said the winner's username (which I believe is a random username that they saw) and then very slowly blocked everyone in the den one by one. Blocking a jammer immediately makes you locked out of their den.

I jagged the winner just to be sure if they actually gave out the prize or not. The winner then replied with confirmation that ayesha8 did not give them anything at all.

Don't forget to report ayesha8 for attempting to scam and stay safe!

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