June 13, 2020

Random Saturday Ep 53: Earning free membership (AJPW)

What's up everyone! I'm here with your next episode of Random Saturdays! Today's topic is about earning free membership in AJPW.

Firstly, membership can be bought in AJPW without spending real money. It just takes a little hard work. A one-month membership can be bought in the PW sapphire store for 500 sapphires. I've seen it drop to 400 before, but I'm not sure if its based on an event, or based on the number of sapphires a jammer has. Now, you might be thinking, how are you going to get that many sapphires? For those of you who didn't buy membership with real money, here's how you can earn enough.

The first thing to do is to play games. This is because AJPW has a "milestone reward" kind of feature that allows players to earn gems from games. You need to hit certain milestones in the games to earn sapphires. Some examples include reaching a certain level, getting all three stars or running a certain distance. After you do, you can head over to the sapphire gift tab in the games menu and claim your sapphires. However, you need to know that those sapphires can only be claimed once.

After that, you can choose what you want to do next. If you still do not have enough sapphires, I suggest to watch ads in the sapphire shop. There is a chance that sapphires will drop from the chest once you complete an ad!

Alternatively, if you are not in a hurry to get membership, and don't mind some grinding, I suggest you to get some paintseed trees and a phantom portal. The phantom portal is not necessary if you know someone who has a portal readily available. So, you put the paintseed trees in your den, and harvest the paintseeds when they are ready. These paintseeds are needed in the phantom dimension to defeat phantoms. When you have earned enough phantom coins by defeating phantoms, you can buy a super sapphire potion, which can drop three sapphires when used. More information can be found here.

The key to earning enough sapphires for a membership is not to splurge them. They are hard to come by once you clear the milestone rewards in games. The good news is that it is relatively easy to be able to sustain that membership once you've started it. This is because a membership will get you five sapphires every day, and also give you access to pack hideouts. This topic will probably be touched on in a separate Random Saturday.

That's all from me now, till next post!

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