June 08, 2020

mikaela57 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey gang! Danny here with a scammer I encountered yesterday. I was in Coral Canyons when I saw mikaela57 advertising that whoever traded them a silver collar (I assume they mean a silver first generation diamond shop collar) would receive a set of rare short spikes.

However, instead of any spikes, there was a single necklace on their trade list. Indirect trading is a common scamming method that can be avoided by simply trading directly for the items involved in the transaction, instead of trading for a necklace and then hoping the other person will actually give you their end of the deal.

I asked mikaela57 why they didn't just trade their spikes for the silver spike directly, to which they responded "idk" and told me that was just the way they always do it.

At this point, another bystander came up and said that it sounded like a scam. To this, mikaela57 asked what a scam was. I find it unlikely that they genuinely have never heard of scamming if they are trading such valuable items.

I continued to ask them why they couldn't just trade their spikes directly, but they ignored me and continued to only engage with the other person. Once the other person stopped talking and they only had me to speak to, they said that their dad was telling them to come and they logged off.

Report mikaela57 for scamming. Stay safe and trade fairly!


  1. First of all why would her dad tell her to scam? also i have a question she blocked me right when i just came inside for saying " s c a m m e r" do scammers always do that?

    1. I believe they were referring to their dad telling them to come (and get off Animal Jam), though I can only suspect that was a thinly veiled lie to get out of a tricky situation.
      We absolutely DO NOT encourage you to go track down and harass the scammers that we make posts of - we only ask that you report them and keep an eye out for them. Please don't do that in the future. But, to answer your question, most scammers will tend to go on the defensive hard if you even slightly allude to the fact they may be scamming, which is why it's not really recommended.


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We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
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