June 09, 2020

heyyyyyyyyyyy (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hellooo! It's me, Agent Quacc, with another scammer that I happened to find in Crystal Sands. heyyyyyyyyyyy said that they were giving away their list. Their trade list had a yellow short spiked collar so I went to their den to investigate.

As soon as I came, they asked everyone to buddy them. This is a popular tactic that scammers use to directly control which people are in their den. If anyone does something that jeopardizes the scam, they are usually immediately locked out. I buddied them to see what would happen next.

They then quickly announced that they would be using flash to pick a winner. heyyyyyyyyyyy then switched the spike they had for a table that can be bought in Jam Mart Furniture. 

Flash is a method of scamming which allows a jammer to quickly accept the trade. The jammer is usually expecting to get their items returned but the scammer ends up running away with their items. heyyyyyyyyyyy didn't even bother to explain how it works and instead waited for people to trade them. One by one, the jammers who are accusing heyyyyyyyyyyy of scamming suddenly leave. This probably means that they are locked out by the scammer. 
Just to clarify, Leaping Majormoon is heyyyyyyyyyyy.

Then, a jammer came and warned everyone that heyyyyyyyyyyy is also a hacker. There is no direct proof of them hacking but they were locked before they could explain anything else.

After some time and warning the others, someone ended up trading heyyyyyyyyyyy woven shoes. This is supposed to mean that this person "wins."

heyyyyyyyyyyy ended up calling everyone "nasty" and locked us all out. 

I even came back to their den and they were attempting to scam another group of jammers. Remember that trust is never the way to go. 
Don't forget to report heyyyyyyyyyyy for scamming! 

1 comment:

  1. Sprinkles🍰7/03/2020 12:32 am

    I was in the giveaway and every time I went to jamaa township looking for a place to advertise for my shop I keep seeing Heyyyyyyy advertising for a giveaway.


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