June 21, 2020

Mxnicaramel (AJPC)

Hey all, Jade here with another scammer post! A couple days ago, I found this scammer advertising in Coral Canyons for a blue short giveaway at their den.

Someone told them that their den was locked, and they apologized and unlocked it. I began to be a bit suspicious after this, because their den being locked likely meant that they had just locked someone out from a previous scam. So, I went to their den to investigate.

They didn’t come to their den for a few minutes, so I took a second to find out their username- it was Mxnicaramel.


They finally came to their den, and everyone started telling them to put the blue short on trade so that we knew they had it. They ignored us for a while, then finally decided to give us a “hint”. They then put on a pink Fox Hat as some sort of proof that they had the short.

Some people got pretty mad about their “hint”, so they told anyone who thought they were a scammer to leave.


They then told us that they were going to be doing trust trading for the giveaway. This method, where you trade someone your items and then they trade them back, is a common scamming technique, because if they want to keep the items they can just not trade back.

Someone traded them a necklace, and they asked if anybody wanted to challenge. I traded them one Rare Item Monday item, just to see what they would do.

The three other people in the den continued to ask for proof that they actually had the blue short and that they weren’t scamming, and the scammer continued to ignore them.

They told us that I was winning and that it was the last chance to trade anything else. Nobody else wanted to trade, and the scammer got fed up with their accusations, so they finally locked us out.

Unfortunately, you can’t search the scammer’s username yet, because they’re a New Jammer. As soon as they become searchable, please report them for scamming!

That’s all for today! Everyone stay safe out there, and Jam On!

1 comment:

  1. There users out there out there now animal jam got it approved so ya report them guys there user no longer new jammer


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