April 30, 2020

mouserbit (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hello, Jammers! Agent Timber here with a brand new scammer post to report mouserbit. This is a scammer that was reported to us through the scammer report form. The witness told us that mouserbit, one of their recent buddies, visited them after their membership expired. They claimed that they could give them a one-year membership.

They then told the witness that in exchange for the membership, they wanted a small item that isn't very rare, such as a "smol spike".

mouserbit told them that they would put the membership on another account and that the witness would have to transfer their items to the new account. mouserbit claimed they would have to create and by extension be the owner of the account for this to work, but they promised to never go on the account.
This is a scam for a few reasons; for one, mouserbit could easily just unbuddy the witness and run off with their item without giving them an account that had a membership.

The witness was told they could choose the username for the account.

After that, the witness left, as it is unsafe to transfer your items to somebody else's account. If they took this offer, mouserbit could have taken their items, because they had access to the account as well. There is also the fact that, by giving the account membership and having access to the parent email linked to the account, mouserbit would have full control over the account at all times and could do a variety of things, including take the items on there or shut it down.
Please report mouserbit for scamming, and remember to report any scams that you may witness. We have a tab at the top of our homepage that lets you report a scammer. Stay safe in Jamaa!

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