April 01, 2020

dove1222 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

I found Dove in Jamaa Township, advertising for a spike giveaway at their den.

When everyone arrived in their den, they began by saying we were going to be playing a few games, like "first to jag".

They also had another game where you had to be the first to click the same emoji as them. Once they were done with the games, they finally told everyone what the main giveaway would be- trust.

Everyone kept calling them out as a scammer, so they ended up locking most people out of their den. Luckily, I was able to stay in the den. I questioned them about their methods, but they just ignored me.

Dove ended up running their trust trade for probably about a half an hour before it was done. I watched as they continued to gain people's trust by gifting their items back to them when they were done.

In the end, Dove ended up scamming someone out of a neon bow and a den beta, then locking everyone else out. 

So- please report Dove for scamming. And, until next time, stay safe and Jam On!


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