April 28, 2020

poxy1101 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey gang! Today, one of our new omegas, Neutron, found poxy1101 in the Diamond Shop asking people to gift or trade them diamond items in exchange for items of presumably equal value to be gifted in return. They claimed that the more items you gave, the better gifts you would receive.

Instead of items of equal value, their trade list was instead filled with cheap necklaces.

I went up to them and asked why they couldn't just trade directly for the diamond items, to which they responded that they were "saving their diamonds". I told them that didn't really answer my question at all, but they continued advertising.

I tried to ask them again, and this time they told me that they didn't want to put their items on trade because of the new hack. The hack in question is an auto-accept mod that allows you to control the person you are sending a trade request to. While I understand being wary, this still isn't an excuse for what poxy1101 was doing. It's also unlikely that someone would use this hack to steal something of equal value to Diamond Shop items.

I tried to tell them this, but they instead sent me a trade request for their pink short spike in exchange for the Ice Mira Statue I had on trade. It was an overtrade, so I accepted. They then tried to tell me that they "literally just gifted a spike" to me, despite the fact they did not "literally" gift it, they literally traded it to me. I'm assuming this was supposed to be either a bribe or some way of "proving" that they weren't scamming, but it didn't really do either of those things.

They ended up running off at the end of this interaction.
Make sure to report poxy1101 for scamming, and a special thanks to Omega Neutron for helping me out with this person!

1 comment:

  1. No, thank you for helping me! ��


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