July 26, 2020

silverstar10978 + iamomazing (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Howdy everyone! Danny here with a scammer and their alt account I encounter earlier today. I saw silverstar10978 in Jamaa Township advertising that they were offering their trade list in exchange for a sabertooth banner.

Their list included five spiked wristbands of various colors, as well as a rare ninja mask and a head feather. This seemed incredibly fishy to me, as a quick check of the AJ Item Worth Wiki revealed that all the items in the sabertooth collection were worth at most 1 clothing beta each.

Nearby, I also noticed iamomazing asking people to trade them fairly. I checked on their trade list and, surprise surprise, found a sabertooth tapestry. It is not the exact item silverstar10978 said they wanted (there is both a tapestry and a banner in the sabertooth collection of items), but based on iamomazing's low amount of achievements and silverstar10978's terrifying overtrade for a cheap, uncommon item, I suspected this was an S14, or two-person scam.

For those of you who are unaware, an S14/two-person scam is a scam where one person is offering a massive overtrade for an item that is uncommon, but ultimately not worth much. Another player has the item, but will only trade it to you for more than it is worth. If you trade a lot for the item from the second player, both players will leave and you will be left with a mostly worthless item.
I went up to silverstar10978 and told them that sabertooth banners were not worth anything close to that. They (very dismissively) told me that it was just the item they wanted, and they didn't really want their list. A very rude way to speak to someone just trying to help you not get ripped off, but I digress. Sabertooth items are not terribly uncommon, there is absolutely no need for someone to overtrade so vastly.

I then realized at this moment, that I actually had all the sabertooth items in my inventory from when they were released initially. I changed animals, walked away for a bit, then came back to silverstar10978 and told them I had a sabertooth banner. They left almost immediately.
Surprisingly, iamomazing continued to advertise their trading, which I thought was strange. However, I realized why they did not leave when I saw silverstar10978 return to their position just a few minutes later. This time, I changed my animal again and traded my sabertooth banner (not tapestry, but I was going for accuracy here) for one of the spiked wristbands that were on silverstar10978's trade list. After deliberating over it for a long time, they declined my trade

Make sure to report both silverstar10978 and their alt account, iamomazing, for scamming. Remember to always exercise caution when trading!


  1. Your articles are so addicting to read ��

    1. glad you like them! we do our best :)


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