July 25, 2020

Random Saturday Ep 59: Sustaining Free Membership in AJPW

What's up everyone! Today, I bring to you your next Random Saturday! Today's topic is kind of like a continuation from the last one I wrote. (You may view it here) Without further ado, let's go!

So, in the last post, I talked about how everyone could earn free membership from AJPW through hard work. Today, I'm going to walk you through how to extend this free membership past just one month, such that your AJ membership could be indefinite.

As written in the last post, one month of membership can be bought for 400 or 500 sapphires. What can you do to keep earning those sapphires? I should say that playing games in AJPW is now of a much lower importance as compared to when you first started of. This is because those gems can only be earned once. Therefore, they are only useful for the first "surge" to kickstart your membership in AJ. Though, if you still have some milestone rewards unclaimed, you may go ahead and grind it out if you want. However, I can say that it is very possible to continue having indefinite membership even without the milestone rewards.

First, membership in AJPW means that you will earn five sapphires each day you log in. For the following calculations, I will use the upper limit of 500 sapphires for membership.  A month of membership is 30 days long. Every day, members can earn five sapphires if they log in on each day. Therefore, from just log in bonuses alone, you can earn up to 150 sapphires. That leaves just 350 sapphires to cover.

Next, sapphires are a common reward from pet expeditions. In order to send your pet on an expedition, you must first raise its level. This is something that only members in AJPW can do, because it requires the usage of Pet Stations. Interacting with your pet in the Pet Station will gradually increase its level. Continuously interacting with the Pet Station allows a member to grind the level of their pet from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 5. When it comes to pet expeditions, the level 5 expedition gives the best rewards. So, I highly recommend you to save your pet till they reach the maximum level. Then, you can send them off on the longest expedition. The level 5 expedition takes 5 days to complete. When your pets come back, there is a high chance for them to come back with 4 or 5 sapphires per pet. Do note that there are other rewards that can also be earned, not just sapphires. Therefore, I recommend you to send as many pets as you can on expeditions. I know that pets in AJPW are quite expensive, since they cost 50 sapphires each. However, the honeybee (and Meagyn's Pet Bear) only cost gems. Therefore, whenever honeybees come back in stores. I recommend you to get some since they also can be sent on expeditions.

Next, check the gem tree and pack chest in your pack hideout. These mechanics are also only accessible to members. The gem tree can give you gems when you click on it. While the tree mostly gives gems, there also is a small chance for it to drop sapphires, so you might get lucky! The tree regenerates every hour, so be sure to check it whenever you're on! Every pack also has a pack chest. It gives a reward every day. Most of the time it is gems, but there is a very small chance that it could be sapphires!

Finally, keep on watching ads and using the phantom dimension to earn sapphires. At this point, you may realise that you don't really have to go into the phantom dimension anymore, because the above plus ads are more than enough to earn you enough sapphires for membership.

I should let you know that while the membership is written down as 30 days, AJHQ extends it a little longer than that for Jammers to buy a new membership using real money. You can only buy the next 30 days of membership once those "extra" days expire. I recommend you to make good use of those extra days to earn more sapphires till you have to buy another membership (with sapphires).

My last tip is to check your balance before you buy anything that requires sapphires. In order to be able to continue buying your membership, it's good to assume that it will cost 500 sapphires instead of 400, as that prepares you for the worst. Always make sure that you are getting closer to being able to buy your next sapphire membership as time goes. This is because many of the methods listed here cannot be used without a membership!

That's all from me today, good luck to all of you who are working your way to a free membership! As usual, stay safe, jam on!

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