July 01, 2020

louisx + Naturefox2007 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and possibly block them.

Hey everyone, Queen here with two scammers that I discovered earlier this week! I found louisx in Jamaa Township, advertising a giveaway in their den. The advertising was a bit suspicious, so I decided to check it out.

Once I got to their den, it was already almost full with Jammers. While we were waiting for the host to arrive, I started taking a look at the account.

You can often tell how old an account is by looking at how many achievements they have. For example, an account that has existed for 5 years will most likely have a lot more achievements than an account that was just made. Because of that, I could tell that the host's account (which had only two achievements) was probably very new. But since they had good items (spikes and clothing betas), they were probably an alt account.

Soon enough, the host came to the den and explained how the giveaway would work. They explained that it was trust, and claimed that they would not scam. They then put two Ties on trade and said to start trading. 

When people started saying that it was a scam, the host started defending themself. After a while, one Jammer started defending the host. Since the host's account was most likely an alt, I started getting suspicious that the account that was defending them was either the main or an ally.


Jammers then started protesting against Naturefox2007. In all the commotion, I saw a Jammer saying to the host, "Can u give me back my CB now?" Immediately after they asked, they were locked out of the den. (I buddied the jammer who got scammed, and they confirmed the fact that louisx had scammed their clothing beta.)

I started to ask the host some questions about the giveaway, and since there weren't that many Jammers left in the den, I knew that they were able to see me. They avoided the questions and continued telling us to trade them. I continued to repeat the same questions, and they continued to ignore me.

While I was still trying to ask them questions, someone said, "Give me back my skunk tail now! Please!" Right after, they locked us out of their den.

I later saw Louisx advertising for another giveaway in their den. I decided to go again to make sure no one got scammed. I again saw Naturefox2007 there, and they were standing up for the host again. This confirmed to me that Naturefox2007 really was an ally or the main, because there would be no other reason for them to come and defend the host, even after the earlier scam.

 Luckily, all the other Jammers left before they could scam anyone else.
Don't forget to report louisx and Naturefox2007 for scamming!


  1. Sprinkles🍰7/03/2020 12:23 am

    Who hosted the giveaway? naturefox or louisx?

    1. louisx hosted the actual giveaway, with Naturefox2007 pretending to be a regular participant.

  2. Yup, it was louisx hosting the giveaway.


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