July 09, 2020

ksr04 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey everyone! This is Clover with another scammer I found! Today, ksr04 was announcing that they were giving away their list at their den.

I checked their list, which had an orange Short Spiked Collar. I was suspicious, because it seemed like quite a bit to be giving away, and if something seems too good to be true, then it usually is.

I went into their den, and a few other people were waiting there. Soon after, Ksr04 entered the den and announced that the giveaway would be trust.

I asked them why they were using trust rather than another method, however they ignored me. I looked at their trade list, and they had replaced the spike with a magenta tie.

A few people began trading, and after about a minute, ksr04 announced that an emerald ring was in the lead.

ksr04 asked the jammer to put a bad item on trade, and then I asked ksr04 why we had to accept a trade if they were just going to give the items back anyway. Once again, I was ignored.

I asked ksr04 a few more questions, but I was ignored, and eventually locked out.

I didn't see anyone else from the den, so I assume that ksr04 blocked me - if you block someone on Animal Jam, they get automatically locked out of your den. This is a common tactic that scammers use in order to lock out anyone who is suspicious of them.
Make sure to report ksr04 for scamming!


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