September 11, 2020

Leorocks333 (AJPC)

 Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Howdy everyone, Danny here with a scammer I caught earlier today. I was in Jamaa Township when I saw Leorocks333 advertising that if you could trade something valuable enough to make them accept a trade for their rare eagle hat, you would get the rest of their list.

Their list contained the rare eagle hat in question, as well as a few mid-tier items, including clothing betas and some phantom armor, but most notably, a first generation silver spike and a non-rare glove.

The "make me accept a trade for this bad item and you get a prize" method is a common type of scamming. If this person really did want to give you their list, they would simple trade their list for your items directly. There is no reason to do this unless their plan was to accept your trade for the bad item and then leave without giving you your prize.
I went up to Leorocks333 and asked why people couldn't just trade directly for the items on their list, but they didn't answer me. I continued to pester them, asking them why they were ignoring me, but they didn't acknowledge me until I suggested that this seemed very suspicious and I thought they were scamming. They went on a rant about how they didn't like scamming and they would definitely be banned and reported if they did that.


I asked them if they were so afraid of being banned and if they hated scamming that much, why they were using such a common scamming method? Surely, if they weren't a scammer, there would be an easier way to do this. They started backpedaling by saying that they didn't even know what scamming tactics are because they have "never seen it" before, despite the fact they proclaimed just moments ago that they didn't like scamming. If you had been playing AJ long enough to accumulate some valuable-ish items, there's no doubt you have encountered scammers. Even if you somehow hadn't, it's pretty obvious to most people that this seems pretty fishy.

I tried to tell them that it seemed very suspicious they were asking people to trade for a bad item in the hopes they'd get an even better prize afterward, but they went back to ignoring me. Someone traded them and they left the area. I checked their player card but was not able to see if they had actually accepted anyone's trade since they had logged off.
Make sure to report Leorocks333 for scamming. Stay safe and always trade fairly!


  1. I was walking around Jamaa Township on my spare account, and the username leorocks333 caught my eye. I decided to friend them-just this once, to see what they would do. About 5 minutes later, I followed them, and it turns out they were trying to stop a scammer from scamming. After he got locked out of the den, I told him the rest. I then said "Let's go scammer hunting" and he replied with "YES." I caught a scammer: Hauskaa. I got enough screenshots for a post, and I just submitted a form yesterday. I am eagerly waiting for it to come out :D
    Did leorocks333 change? Probably. I don't know if this is true, but I will go check around and see if he actually scams. Idk if he would admit it, but it would be worth a try.

    1. Sorry for the late response! I asked him if he scammed before, and he denied it. When I asked him about the AJSASS post they made about him, he said,"Yeah but I don't like that cuz I didn't accept anyone's trade." I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Like, yeah, you tried to scam someone, you're still attempting to scam, so they made a post about it. And it did seem pretty weird how he just traded someone and logged off. So I just typed "Okay." And.. yeah. I have no idea if he changed or not. Can anyone else ask leorocks333 to see if he reacts differently?

    2. We appreciate that you want to help, but PLEASE do not attempt to track down any of the scammers that we post, and especially do not direct them to our blog. Like it is stated in the disclaimer at the top of all our scammer posts, our goal is to post these scammers so that other players can report them and block them, not so that people can try and reach out to them. We have had multiple occasions where scammers we have posted have found our blog and subsequently harassed us and sent hateful messages. Again, we're glad you want to help, but trying to contact known scammers does more harm than good.


Your comment must be approved by a staff member before it will show up on the blog. Please do NOT post your comment multiple times.
We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
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