September 04, 2020

Djsilky1111 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey all, Jade here with another scammer post! Today, we'll be discussing a scammer by the name of Djsilky1111. 

Earlier today, I found Djsilky1111 advertising a gifting war. They said that if you gifted them, they would gift back something worth twice as much.

After a couple seconds, another Jammer came up and accused them of being a scammer. Immediately after the accusation, Djsilky1111 switched worlds. I tracked them to their new world and asked why someone said they were a scammer, and they immediately left again. 

I then tracked Djsilky1111 through about five different worlds, before finally catching them in Jam Mart Furniture. I asked them why they were running away, and they told me that they had been leaving because nobody was trading.

I told them that it was kind of suspicious that they kept leaving after being accused of scamming, and they told me that they didn't like "people being mean". 

I asked them again why people said they were scamming, and they told me that they didn't know, but that they were doing the gifting wars to give back to New Jammers.

I pointed out that New Jammers wouldn't have any rares with which to participate in a gifting war, so a wheel giveaway would be a smarter idea if giving back to New Jammers was truly their goal. Djsilky1111 then told me that they were going to quit AJ because there was too much "bullying", and logged off.

Please report Djsilky1111 for attempted scamming, and watch out for anyone trying similar methods! If anybody is promising you rares, don't trust them. Most importantly, always make sure to use the trading system correctly. If you have any questions about how to avoid this scam, you can read through this Agent Insights post. Stay safe out there, everyone, and Jam On!

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