September 12, 2020

Random Saturday Ep 65: Pet Expeditions


Hello! Agent Quacc here with a Random Saturday. For this week, I'll be taking a look at pet expeditions in Play Wild (or just Animal Jam).

Pet expeditions are a members-only feature where you can send your pets on trips in hopes of winning different rewards. You can find the boat to send your pets away in Crystal Sands. Once you click on the globe icon, it'll show you what kinds of expeditions that you can send your pet on.

There are many different locations that you can send your pet to, from the Parched Dunes to the Glacial Pass, since the options are always changing. There even was limited time locations but they aren't available anymore. Each location needs a certain level from a pet and energy.

You can level up your pet and give them more energy by taking care of them in the Pet Station. You can find the Pet Station in Shoreline Decor in Moku'ahi for 100 sapphires. 

Once your pet has enough energy and is on a high enough level, you can pick an expedition for them to go on. Different locations can take 1-5 days to finish.

When the time runs out, you can earn all kinds of awards like sapphires, gems, rare items and more. 
Bonus Tip: You can also get items, gems or sapphires from just taking your pet around Jamaa!

That's everything for today, thank you for reading!


  1. I didn't rlly understand the bonus tip. Could u farther explain it? Thx.

    1. The bonus tip is just referring to the fact that, if you have your pet with you as you walk around Jamaa, there is a small chance your pet will uncover a prize like the ones in the pet expeditions.


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