September 14, 2020

sassybella39 (AJPC)

 Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Howdy everyone, Danny here with a scammer I found earlier today. I was in Crystal Sands when I noticed sassybella39 advertising that if you gifted them a clothing beta, they would give you one of the items on their trade list.

Their trade list included several moderately valuable items, including planet walls, blue vines flooring, a giant bunny plushie, and a wooden toy box. Most of these items' value is measured somewhere between 1 - 2 clothing betas.

This definitely seemed fishy to me - why did sassybella39 want people to gift them clothing betas and get gifted their items in return when they could just trade? That would be a lot quicker and safer. I went up to sassybella39 and asked why they couldn't just trade for the clothing betas instead, to which they responded that nobody had any clothing betas on trade.

I told them they could just ask people to trade them clothing betas instead of scouting for people who had clothing betas on trade. They interjected by asking if I was a part of AJHQ for some reason. I told them no, to which they responded "ok thx alot!" and left.

If you have any idea what that was supposed to mean, please tell me. Make sure to report sassybella39 for scamming. Stay safe and always use the trading system!


  1. HIIII a lil thing maybe she was asking cause she was sacred of getting caught? i mean if you go to one of the animal jam in game movie place in sarepia forest they made one on how to not be scammed and such and SHOWED real scammers so maybe just maybe she was sacred she caught and put in a part 2 or be banned thanks for listen in

    1. That's a good idea, I hadn't thought of that. I was kinda puzzled about how inexperienced they must be if they think that an employee at AJHQ would be walking around confronting scammers on some random account.
      But in that case, I wonder what they would have done had I said yes? lol

    2. Another reason she might've asked that is maybe she was just trying not to answer your question by asking you a completely random one?
      Dogo (The biggest fan of AJSASS)

    3. Could also be a possibility, just not one I've seen before lol


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