September 15, 2020

Agent Insights Ep 57: Ad Chest Rares (AJPW)

What's up everyone! I bring to you today your next episode of Agent Insights! So, today's topic is about ad chest rares. Let's go!

So, ad chest rares are rares that you can get from watching ads in AJPW. These include the rare balloon wings, rare tail armor and rare horseshoe planter. In the past, there were many other rares that could be obtained from this chest. These include the rare top cat, rare flower scarf and others. These rares were discontinued from the ad chest after an update. Therefore, I will not be talking much about it for this Agent Insights. I will focus more on the current ad chest rares and their worth.

So, since these rares come from watching ads, their rarity is actually not really what their "rare" tag is. As someone who watches a lot of ads for sapphires, I can tell you that they are, in fact, quite common. Furthermore, they are currently obtainable until the next change of ad chest rewards. This is unlike most other rares that are currently unavailable.

Therefore, it is important to watch out for people who are looking to trade big with just the ad chest rares. As explained earlier, they are not really rare at all, despite their tag (as of this post). Ultimately, it is important to do a quick check on the items you are about to trade for before actually hitting the trade button. You can search the items up on the AJPW wiki!

That's all from me today. Sorry for the rather short post!


1 comment:

  1. if i might add the problem with the ajpw wiki unlike the aj wiki on the ajpw wiki THERES not as many items so unlike the aj wiki i cant find the worth of my items at least most of them no hate to the ajpw wiki its just they need to add more items and there worths in :D


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