September 26, 2020

Random Saturday Ep 67: Master Blocks

What's up everyone! Welcome to a new episode of Random Saturdays! Today, I'm going to talk about a relatively new feature in AJPW master blocks. Let's go!

To put it simply, master blocks are like masterpieces, but in 3D. The method of making a master block is actually similar to pixel art in AJPC. To begin creating a master block, open the minigame menu and click the master blocks icon.

It should open up an interface like this:

It's like pixel art, but 3D. To place a block, double tap the screen when the cube outline is at the position you want it to be. To delete a block, maneuver the cube outline to the position of the block you want to delete, and double tap the screen. The four colored arrows on the bottom move the cube around on the same level, and the two white arrows change the level of the cube. 

For this post, I made a quick design:

The default color for the blocks is white. At least, it is possible to change the color of the blocks after placing them. First, click the arrow tool. Then click a block you'd like to "jump" to.

Next, click the palette tool at the bottom right corner. Click the color you'd like the block to be.

It should change the color of your block. New blocks added will also be of this color until you change it again.

Non-members can save up to 10 designs. Members can save up to 20 designs and also export their designs as displayable objects in dens. Similar to masterpieces, AJHQ must approve the master block before it can be displayed. Making a master block den item costs 50 sapphires for designs with 350 cubes or less. After 350, every 7 cubes will add a sapphire to the cost.

That's all for today's Random Saturday! Stay safe, and happy designing!

1 comment:

  1. nice pictures dude and great writing good job dew :D


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