August 14, 2020

exoticooo (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey guys, Sunny here with a scammer submitted to us by Fire via the Scammer Report Form!

A little over a month ago, Fire spotted exoticooo advertising a giveaway at their den with a prize of a green short collar. They went into exoticooo's den to investigate, and the scammer followed them in about a minute later.

The first thing exoticooo told the people gathered in their den was to leave if they thought the giveaway was a scam. This is a common tactic used by scammers during giveaways, in order to quickly remove anyone who might call them out, and to make people feel bad for assuming that they're scamming. 

exoticooo's trade list at this point contained three necklaces and one green short. The scammer never specifically stated that the giveaway method was going to be trust trading, but did tell the attendees "IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TRADE PLEASE GO". It was strongly implied that you were supposed to trade good items for the necklaces, which makes it trust trading, and thus a likely scam. If someone were to trade a good item for the necklaces, exoticooo would probably accept the trade and lock their den.

When the giveaway began, two people started trading exoticooo. Fire asked if they could decline the trade, but exoticooo said that they couldn't.

One of the Jammers in the den started saying that the giveaway was a scam, after which exoticooo began insulting everyone in the den, then locked them out.

Please report exoticooo for attempted scamming, and watch out for scammers like them. Stay safe!

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