August 25, 2020

Agent Insights Ep 55: Auto-download and how to stop it


What's up everyone! Today, I bring you your next episodes of Agent Insights! Today's topic isn't necessarily AJ or PW related, but it could be good to know nonetheless. Without further ado, let's start!

Auto-downloading occurs when something online gets automatically downloaded into your computer. This can happen without the user clicking a button on the screen that says "download". This is because the download could have been triggered by other means such as entering the website itself. Hence, entering malicious sites could result in a virus being auto-downloaded into your computer. There is a way though, to stop such auto-downloading from happening. 

One way to stop it is to enable the function of getting your browser to confirm the download location. For this post, I will use Google Chrome as an example. When that function is enabled, a popup will show whenever something is downloaded onto your computer. That popup will ask you where you'd like the file to be downloaded. If you wanted to download the file, you can select which location in your computer it would be downloaded to. If you didn't intend to download it, you could instead click "cancel" and stop the download. Next, I will run you through how to activate it.

First, click on the three dots at the top right hand of chrome. It should open this list. Click settings.

After you click "settings", the following options should show up. Click "advanced" followed by "downloads".

Finally, you should see these options. Toggle the switch for "ask where to save each file before downloading" on, and you're done!

That's all from me today. Stay safe and jam on!

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