August 15, 2020

Random Saturday Ep 61: Color Cloud and Color Coordinator (AJPW)


What's up everyone! Today, I bring another episode of Random Saturdays! The topic for today is about the color cloud and the color coordinator in AJPW. Without further ado, let's get started!

Both the color cloud and color coordinator are features that can only be used with a membership. Both are features that allow you to pick colors that are not readily available on the palette. We have a separate Random Saturday (Tuesday) that touched on secret colors. You may find it here.

On to the main topic. I will touch on the color cloud first. The color cloud can be found in your pack hideout. The color cloud is run by Arthur's (the travelling salesman) buddy, Hugh.

Hugh is the raccoon and the paint palette is the color cloud. In order to use it, all you gotta do is to step inside the color cloud like so. 

After that, you can walk out and view your new colors! The color cloud allows you to get random colors that are not on the palette as shown below.

The top color is neither in the list of secret colors nor on the readily available palette.

As you can see in the palette, there is a button that says "Color Coordinator". What is does is that it allows you to pick colors that are similar to the accessories that you are wearing at the moment.

This is the screen I see when I hit the Color Coordinator button:

Some of the colors in this palette are not available in the normal palette.

So, if you want to get funky with your colors and are a member, you can use those two methods anytime to get colors not on the palette. Do bear in mind though, that the colors from the color cloud are completely random! You may not get the same color combination on two different occasions!

That's all for this post! Stay safe, and Jam On!

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