May 26, 2018

Hkrules099 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hello, jammers, Mar again with a rather short post.

The user in question is Hkrules099.

So, I was just hopping from world to world, looking for scammers, when I found Hk advertising for a list giveaway. They asked us to buddy them in order to stay.

This was their list.

So, I went to investigate, and a bunch of people showed up. When Hk came back I asked him how the giveaway would work, and he said it was a trust trade giveaway.

They told us we can leave if we want, and we can record if we feel the need. They actually prompted us to a few times.

So, anyways, they replaced the spikes with a couple worthless items.

Another person there asked if we had to accept, and Hk told us we don't but also if we don't accept then our entry won't count.

I traded him a masterpiece of mine. He accepted and traded back.

They then announced that I was winning. (I was the only falcon there)

A few others started trading him. After a few minutes, I asked him how long until he'd choose a winner. He said in about ten minutes, possibly less.

I didn't have anything else I was willing to trade and risk losing, so I just sat back and watched. Unfortunately, my mother asked me to complete a task, so I unbuddied Hk, told him trusting is scamming, and left.

Status: Unknown

Please report Hkrules099 for attempted scamming.

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