December 19, 2020

datboisus68 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them. 

Howdy everyone, Danny here with a scammer I encountered several days ago. I was in Jamaa Township when I saw datboisus68 advertising that the next person who bought something from their shop would get a free spike. This sounded kinda fishy, and also misleading (if you're buying something, then it isn't free?), so I went to go check it out.

I was the only person in their den, and they came back as soon as I arrived. They told me to buy and I would get the spike. I asked what spike I was going to get, they told me the green long spike they were wearing.

Their shop mostly included items that were around 4 or 5 diamonds (there was a second page not pictured here, it was all items from the dance club themed Jammer parties also priced at 4 to 5 diamonds), with the exception of an overpriced Box Head and a rare Diamond Shop spiked collar for 90 diamonds.

I asked datboisus68 to confirm that I would get a green long spiked collar if I only spent 4 diamonds. They said yes, and told me they heard they weren't very valuable. I found that very unlikely - even the most inexperienced of players know that spikes, especially long spikes, are highly sought after. I told them this, and they acted mildly surprised. They also had a Diamond Shop spiked collar priced somewhat reasonably, so I really didn't buy this (pun not intended).

I asked why I couldn't just buy the spike directly rather than spending 4 diamonds on an item I didn't want. They interjected by asking if I would buy the green long for max diamonds (500 diamonds). I said no, and before I could explain why, they abruptly locked me out of their den.

I wanted to go back to their den to see if they had put the green long up for sale, only to realize that they had blocked me entirely. I went on a spare to go check, and the green spike was not in their shop and it was still on their animal long after my encounter with them, confirming my suspicions that it was all a big fat lie.
Report datboisus68 for scamming. Stay safe and always trade fairly!


  1. Great scammer post! I looked up camibagels3 and reported them. The "buy from my shop get a solid" scam is used quite frequently to excite jammers into buying a trash item for an expensive price from the scammer's shop, only to later discover that they were scammed. This scam is seen quite frequently by me and my friends, especially in full servers. Usually lots of rich/rare people hang out in popular servers, so those places are usually easier to target for scammers. It's also brought to my attention frequently that the scammers don't use the diamonds they scam to just be rich, they use them to buy big items from shops to get rare. I feel very strongly that most scammers overreact to things, making them a bunch of selfish weirdos. When situations like this result in an innocent jammer being scammed for absolutely no reason, I tend to get really mad. Sometimes I over exaggerate, but today isn't one of those days. Keep up the great work, and keep busting those scammers doing stuff they shouldn't be doing! Have a great day,

    P.S: I'm a big fan of your page!

  2. i looked this dude up and couldn't find him! :o

    i speculate he may have changed his username, disabled his account, or was banned (although it's highly unlikely).


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