May 24, 2019

resettedscam (YouTube)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey all! Jade here, with another scammer post. Today we'll be talking about another YouTube scammer. 


This scammer posted a video today titled "Scamming Purple Short!". In it, they did indeed scam a purple short Spiked Collar from a Jammer. They are also shown collaborating with another scammer through Discord messaging. 

They have one other video up on their channel, titled "small scam", in which they scammed a red short Spiked Wristband, 3 Rare Item Mondays, and a "fake den beta".

Once again, they have protected their username on their channel by blocking out the username at the bottom of the screen and turning on animal names rather than usernames. However, take note of what they're doing and what strategies they use to take people's items so that you can better avoid them and others like them on Animal Jam! Stay safe and jam on!

1 comment:

  1. hi, this is me resetted. i just wanna say i quit scamming so you all dont need to worry anymore :)


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We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
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