April 06, 2021

jumpbunny14 + vired (AJPC)

 Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey guys! Pluto here back with another scammer. These scammers were reported by a jammer who would like to be referred to as "Nova". Nova was in Jamma Township when they saw jumpbunny14 advertising a giveaway at their den. They claimed to be "giving away their list" which consisted of two short collars. Nova was curious and went into the den to investigate. (note that they were using 3 accounts, their main and two spares)

When Nova got there, vired was already there. jumpbunny14 explained that it was "troll" and to win you had to accept twice and then they will decline. This is a very common method used by scammers to get your items. Most "giveaways" follow this pattern. Remember; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 

Nova (on a spare account) said that it was a scam, and was instantly locked out. Another jammer agreed with them and was also locked out. Nova decided to stay on their main account to get more information. After a little while, jumpbunny14 claimed that they were "doing it wrong" and that they had to accept twice (which would ultimately lead to people getting scammed). Nova noticed that a jammer named vired wasn't talking, but just trading. it seemed like vired was always winning until jumpbunny14 Announced that vired was winning with a black short. now usually when someone traded that high of an item, everyone is locked out because the scammer got what they wanted. but nobody was locked and jumpbunny14 traded their item back. which solidified Nova's claim that vired was jumpbunny14's spare account.

Another jammer who was in the den explained how they were scared to participate, and how they were worried that it was a scam. vired quickly defended jumpbunny14 saying that they were not a scammer as they gave back the black short. which was just another clue that vired was a spare. jumpbunny14 was constantly trying to get the other jammer to trade their spike that they were wearing. Nova was nervous, she didn't want the other jammer to get scammed. Nova tried to get the other jammer to come to their den but with no success (they were trading at the time). Nova had enough, they politely asked jumpbunny14 and vired to both move at the same time, just to prove that they were different people. As soon as Nova said that, they were locked out.

Nova couldn't stand to watch this jammer get scammed, they had another spare in the den, so Nova said again that it was a scam, and once again, was locked out. Later on, Nova got in contact with the other jammer, who claimed to have scammed off their spike.

Well, that's all for this time. Remember to stay safe while trading and Play Wild in Animal Jam!



  1. I would like to join this. I am younger then 13. But I know I can try to stop scammers still! Please notify me if it is possible for me to join. :D

    1. Hello,
      We're sorry, but as stated on our Joining page, all requirements for joining are final and we do not make exceptions to the requirements. As such, you must be at least 13 or older to apply.
      Even if you do not join, you can still help out our team by submitting evidence of any scammers you know to our Report Scammers page and by reading our posts!

    2. Ok! I will try to stop scammers and hope to join when i'm older! :D


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We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
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