April 14, 2021

fuzzythedog00 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hai jammers, Blossom here with another scammer post! This scammer was reported by a jammer that would like to be referred to as "Sushi". Sushi said that fuzzythedog00 was advertising that if someone bought something from the shop in their den, they would gift them their list, which consisted of a green short spiked collar. 

Sushi proceeded to go into the den, along with their friend. In the shop, there were rainbow wristbands, an in-store item, that were being sold for 5050 gems. The source's friend bought the wristbands expecting the collar, but fuzzythedog00 never gave it to them. 

This is a common scam, where jammers sell overpriced items in their shop promising a big reward if it is purchased. Unfortunately, that's usually never the case. After the scam, Sushi and their friend were locked out of the den and fuzzythedog00 logged off. 

Remember to only purchase items on your own consent, not with a big prize as a promised reward. Make sure you report fuzzythedog00 for scamming! This is Agent Blossom signing off, and remember to stay safe and play pawsome!


  1. plz talk about maned wolfs ( MINTY PLAYS AJ ) here is her BIG scam video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9lnbuTJoRw plz talk about her or catch her being a scammer, not a jammer ;-;

    1. Hi,
      If you have evidence of a scammer you would like us to make a post about, please check out our Report Scammers page and send it to us there.


Your comment must be approved by a staff member before it will show up on the blog. Please do NOT post your comment multiple times.
We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
Please only comment if you have something of value to contribute. Comments that are pointless or just plain incomprehensible will be marked as spam. If you have a question, please check our FAQ before asking.