October 14, 2020

Starryskiezz + coolwolfy47 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey y’all! I’m Pepper, and I’m here with a scammer that was submitted to us through the Scammer Report form by Nova. They saw coolwolfy47 advertising a spike giveaway in their den. This account seemed to be an alt, because they had very few achievements and only one animal. 

Starryskieszz was one of the first people in coolwolfy47’s den. The first giveaway was first persont o send a Jam-A-Gram, which Starryskiezz won. Pretty innocuous, but things only got more fishy from there.
The next round was “troll,” which coolwolfy47 explained was trading, accepting twice, then declining, which is a variant on trust trading. There is only a very small window to cancel your trade after accepting it twice, so most trades done through this method will go through and the scammer will receive the items.

After people started leaving due to the likelihood of the giveaway being a scam, Nova asked why they couldn’t just do a wheel, and coolwolfy47 said it was because the round already started. At this point, there were only a few people left, including Starryskiezz and Nova. Starryskiezz ended up winning the spiked collar, after already having won the first round as well.

The next round started and coolwolfy47 openly said it was trust trading. Nova refused to do it and coolwolfy47 immediately locked their den.

Don’t forget to report Starryskiezz and coolwolfy47 for scamming, and remember to never do trust trading or similar “games” involving the trade system, as they may be scams.


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