October 31, 2020

Happysmile1132 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Howdy everyone, Danny here with a scammer I came across a few days ago. I saw Happysmile1132 in Jamaa Township advertising that whoever bought something from their shop would get a spike.

Now, many people advertise the gifting of additional items as a bonus for buying from their shop to attract more customers, but offering to give out a spike for buying something is a little out of the ordinary. Spikes (both collars and wristbands) are valuable items that can sell for quite a bit, so it is a bit of a waste to just give them away as a bonus for buying something else. I decided to head to their den to check it out.
Happysmile1132 had a single shop in their den, with only one item in stock - a store-bought necklace for sale for 10 diamonds.

Like I said, rare spikes can sell for a lot of diamonds on their own (the least valuable spikes often go for 35 - 45 diamonds). A necklace is not worth anything, much less 10 diamonds. If you are going to ask someone to buy a worthless store-bought item with the promise of giving them a much more valuable item later, it would be better to just skip the semantics and sell the spike outright. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the person selling the item is actually going to give you the rare item at the end of the transaction.
Multiple other players were in the den, and all of them seemed to sense that something was up. They made some comments about how it was probably a scam, and Happysmile1132 responded that it definitely was not.

I had a thought that perhaps the spike they planned to give out was not a rare spike, but rather a much less valuable variant, and that they were being intentionally vague to trick people into thinking it was a rare spike. I asked Happysmile1132 what the spike looked like, and they responded that it was the pink wristband on their trade list.

I looked on Happysmile1132's trade list and saw that the item being promised was, in fact, a rare spike - a rare long pink wristband to be specific. This kind of spike could sell for a lot more than 10 diamonds, so I couldn't imagine why they would give it away for that much if they weren't planning on scamming someone.

I remarked that the spike was worth a lot more than 10 diamonds, and at the same time another player rightly asked why Happysmiles1132 didn't just put the spike in their shop.

Despite our question and comment seeming pretty innocuous to someone without malicious intent, they locked all of us out of the den almost immediately after this.
Make sure to report Happysmile1132 for scamming. Stay safe and always trade fairly!

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