October 29, 2020

icecreamhappygirl (AJPC)

 Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey everyone! This is Clover with a scammer that was submitted through our report form. The user who submitted this form wishes to remain anonymous.

Several days ago, icecreamhappygirl was asking the submitter if they could dress their pet bear; a very valuable pet, often traded for at least 2 den betas depending on the features. However, icecreamhappygirl did not want anyone in the den to make sure it wasn't a scam. When the submitter invited a friend to icecreamhappygirl's den, they were locked out. This is a big red flag, because if you dress up another player's pet, there's no harm in having someone ensure that no scam took place. Being persistent about nobody else being there to bear witness makes you look suspicious.

Soon after, icecreamhappygirl went into the submitter's den and claimed that their sister was watching to make sure that it wasn't a scam. However, there was no evidence that their sister was watching; their sister never came onto her own account to watch (instead talking through icecreamhappygirl's account), and they still insisted that nobody else should watch. During the rest of the scam, icecreamhappygirl acted as their "sister" by referring to themself in third-person repeatedly.

icecreamhappygirl continued to insist that they should dress up the submitter's pet bear, although the submitter wasn't even that interested in the offer, saying that "she can make it adorable."

Soon after, icecreamhappygirl threatens the submitter, saying "let her dress it or else," so the submitter finally locked them out of their den and blocked them.

Due to the fact that icecreamhappygirl never allowed the submitter to invite a friend, and showed no evidence of actually having a sister watch, as well as insisting that they needed to dress the bear up, it's safe to say that icecreamhappygirl was trying to scam the submitter by leaving the den once receiving their pet. The threat at the very end is just the nail in the coffin.

Fortunately, the submitter never got scammed of their pet bear. Be sure to report icecreamhappygirl for scamming. Remember to stay safe on Animal Jam, and protect your pets!


1 comment:

  1. My friend said that she has been scammed from this person as well.


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