March 13, 2021

Savannah4life (AJPC)

 Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hello! Quacc here with another scammer post. Savannah4life was reported using our scammer report form by a user that would like to be known as Nova. Nova was in Jamaa Township when they saw Savannah4life advertising that they were giving away a black long.

Nova went to their den out of suspicion and Savannah4life anounced that they would be finding a method by using a wheel. Scammers may say that they're going to use a wheel to find a way to give items away to help justify their scamming method.

Savannah4life then said that the wheel landed on troll. They replaced their trade list with a bunch of necklaces and jammers began to troll Savannah4life.

After a while, Savannah4life said that everyone was not "doing it right." Savannah4life then said that people were supposed to be accepting then declining at the last moment. This is essentially flash or accept, accept, decline which is a popular scamming method. If anyone had actually tried to do what Savannah4life said, they would probably accept unwillingly and would have their items scammed.

Other jammers caught onto the scam and informed the rest of the people in the den. Soon after, Nova was locked out, along with everyone else.

Don't forget to report Savannah4life for scamming and stay safe!

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