November 08, 2021
Thank You For the Good Times
October 21, 2021
Audience Survey
October 02, 2021
Update Post - September
Hello everyone! Today, I present the update covering the events of September. This update will be quite short, and I apologize for the lack of content lately.
First, I'd like to congratulate Agent Snow for winning the sapphire prize for scammer posts in September! Congratulations!
Also, I'd like to congratulate Agent Snow for being promoted to Sigma! Congratulations on that too!
Next, we didn't see the influx of new agents as we hoped. Additionally, our report form is almost dry. As a result, our activity in September almost hit a dead point. Therefore, we felt that it would be best to freeze posting starting this month, until we feel that we are ready to post again. We will still post update posts along the way to keep you updated on things in the society. But other than that, we won't be posting our other types of posts unless it's really important. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Finally, with the freezing of posts, we will undergo a lot of change and restructuring. We are considering expanding our watch to different children's games that have a scamming issue. The first one we are considering is Roblox. Though, that is only one of many possibilities. If you know any other children's games that could have a scamming problem, please drop it in the comments, or let us know on Discord!
That's all the updates for now. I truly hope we will soon be able to sort the society restructuring out and start posting normally again. As always, stay safe and jam on!
September 26, 2021
Random Saturday Ep. 96: Diamond Shop Spikes
Hey guys!Agent Pluto here with this week's Random Saturday! Today I'm going to be covering diamond shop spikes on AJPC and their worths! Diamond shops spikes have been in Animal Jam Classic for years but some newer jammers might not know their history!
First, we have the "First-Gen" diamond spike collars from 2013:
These spikes also came in wrists of the same colors and both are coveted items by collectors and normal players alike. These spikes were originally sold for 3 diamonds each. They are worth from a bad long collar to even two black longs.
Next, we have the "First-Gen" diamond short collars from 2015:
These spikes came in 8 colors, black, light blue, turquoise, green, peach, purple, pink, and white. they also came in wristbands of the same color. These collars sold for 3 diamonds each. Every color of this spike is worth one den beta each.
Now, we have the worn spike collars from 2017:
These collars, unlike the rest on this list, were a nonmember item. They also came in wristbands that were also nonmember. These collars were sold for 3 diamonds each. These collars are worth a bad long collar each because of their nonmember status.
Lastly, we some other miscellaneous spikes from over the years:
These honorable mentions include the Ancient Spike Collar, the Blackout Spike Collar, the Solid Gold Spike Collar, the Magenta Spike Collar, the Mythic Spike Collar, and the Rainbow Spike Collar. all of these spikes were sold for around 3 diamonds each. they are all worth around a clothing beta each.
Welp, that is a wrap on this week's random Saturday! See you all next time
This is Agent Pluto, blasting off.
September 20, 2021
Random Saturday Ep. 95: Pack Runs
September 12, 2021
Agent Insights Ep 70: Good and Bad Personal Information
Random Saturday Ep 94: The History of Crystal Sands