July 16, 2018

68302 + hyenafan101 (AJPC)

Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

What is up, squad fam, its ya girl Maretu here with a sick scammer post.


I regret everything.

Anyways, I kind of got caught up in a lot of stuff after being promoted, apologies for that. So, here's a post now.

Today we have a scamming team, 68302 and hyenafan101. I suspect them to be the same person, but I never got full proof.

Because my screenshot tool was being a stupid tumor a few photos didn't save, apologies for that.

So, 68302 was advertising for a list giveaway, and said it wasn't trust (trust trading).


This was their list.

So, naturally, I went to investigate. And as soon as I entered the den, hyena proclaimed "I'm happy its not trust".

Another user told her it was probably a scam, and they replied by saying 68302 was their friend, and they're unsure of if they would scam.

After gathering enough jammers, 68302 entered the den and gave us the lowdown on how this would work.

So, this confirms that it actually is trust trading. For those of you who are newer to Animal Jam, trust trading is the practice of asking others to trade you good items for their bad item while promising that they'll give you something better. This is considered a scam because if they wanted to give away the items, they could either A) Just do direct trade attempts, or B) Do something like "Whoever JAGS me first wins!".

I trade hyena a Claw Machine I don't care about. They accept the trade. 


Then 68302 asks me to put it on my trade list, and they trade me one of the items from their list, even though when you advertise for a list giveaway you're usually implying you'll give everything to the "winner". 

Afterwards, 68302 commented:

Translation: "I'm going to continue until I've traded away every item"

At this point I needed to go do something else, so I just left.

Now before you say "But Marrrrrr, they didn't scam you, they gave you one of the items!" 

1) List giveaways imply you'll give everything to one player.

2) Trust trading is still scamming.

3) If they wanted to trade their items away, they would have just asked us to do direct trade attempts.

4) Trust trading is still scamming.

Status: Unknown

Please report 68302 and hyenafan101 for attempted scamming.

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