September 12, 2021

Random Saturday Ep 94: The History of Crystal Sands

Hey guys! Agent Pluto here back with another Random Saturday! Today, I am going to continue talking about the Beta period of AJPC! This time I am covering the history of Crystal Sands, and how it was different in the Beta period.

To recap, the Beta period was a time in Animal Jam Classic before it was fully released to the public. The game was very new and is much different than how it is today. Today, we are going to look at how Crystal sands have changed from the Beta period to now.

Let's start with how it looked in the beta period:

Clearly, Crystal Sands has gone through some pretty drastic changes from the Beta period to now. But, some of the layouts have stayed the same. We still have Captin Melvins Juice Hut in the same spot and the rock formations are similar.

The outside of Captin Melvins looks almost identical to how it looks now. From what we know, this image shows the spawn point. But overall it looks very similar to how it looks now.

We have no images of how captain Captin Melvins looked in the Beta. But from the information we know, it was a large tropical-themed room with the claw game and the iconic smoothie machine.

Let's take a look at Crystal Sands now:

As you can see, a lot was added to Crystal sands. while we still have the rocks and oddly green water. We now have Tierney's Aquarium, a museum that teaches you about all sorts of marine life. We also have new games such as Overflow, Double Up, and the Pet Wash. another addition is 4 new water slides that lay within the original rocks. Also, you can now travel underwater by walking off the 2 docks within the water. Which either take you to Crystal Reef of Kani Cove!

This concludes another chapter of The beta period in Animal Jam Classic. I hope you guys enjoy these Beta posts as much as I do.

That's all for this week's Random Saturday!


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