January 30, 2021

yuliyag11 (AJPC)

 Do not attempt to track down or harass any of the scammers we post. We only ask that you report them, and maybe block them.

Hey guys! Sunny here with another scammer post. I was in Jamaa Township when I saw them advertising for a giveaway. Most giveaways are scams, so I went to go check it out. 

There were three other people there, but one person left as soon as yuliyag11 said what we had to do. They said we would trade them and then they would trade back. This is trust trade where the scammer will make you trade for a worse item compared to the one they are giving away. When you trade a good item they will most likely lock the den. The item they where giving away was a rim new years eve party hat. 

They said that if we thought it was a scam then don't be here. Scammers normally say that if people start to accuse them.

When the other person started to say neither of us will win unless one of us trades a spike, yuliyag11 said why would I need a spike, I can't wear them. They could have a member spare that could wear spikes.

They locked the den after neither of us traded. The other person didn't get scammed and I didn't get scammed either. Stay safe and don't fall for scams!


1 comment:

  1. "I don't need Spike I'm not even member." That's about all the proof we need that they're trying to scam us, because the point is for yuliyag11 to give the spike back (not really the point because they're trying to scam) so it doesn't make much sense if they say they don't need the spike.

    Do you remember the original Dogo? Well, you guys, and several other bloggers, have inspired me to start my own blog. Thank you!



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We will not entertain any comments that are posted with malicious intent. In that sense, we will not remove any post on a scammer until we have solid evidence showing that the scammer in question did not actually scam. If your comment is asking for a post to be taken down or implies that any posted scammer wasn't scamming, it likely won't be published.
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