September 19, 2018

Random Tuesday Ep 03: Safe Chat Plus for All Jammers!

Disclaimer: Random Tuesdays have been discontinued and merged with Random Saturdays.

Hello, it's me again, with a rather exciting Random Tuesday to share. Yes, the title says it all: Safe Chat Plus is now available for all Jammers on AJ!

So what is Safe Chat Plus, you may ask. Safe chat Plus was once known as Safe Chat in the olden days of AJ. Back in the day, non-members had to use either restricted chat, or bubble chat. Restricted chat was what it was called - restricted. It was very challenging chatting with buddies using restricted chat because there were so many words that were censored. Bubble chat was equally, if nor more, bad. Basically, Jammers using bubble chat can only choose phrases from a given list. In a previous Random Saturday, I talked about the member non-member divide. Well, these chat options was a driving force for that.

Now that I've gone through restricted and bubble chat, let me talk about safe chat. Once upon a time, members of AJ had safe chat instead of safe chat plus. Safe chat is still a litlle restrictive, but less than that of restricted chat. Basically, the chat tries to predict what you are trying to type, and suggests words from the approved safe chat dictionary for you. The main difference between safe and restricted chat was the range of approved words in their respective dictionaries.

Now, AJ began to respond to the calls of the non-members, and gave them safe chat. So what did they give members? Safe chat plus, an upgrade of safe chat. In safe chat plus, the chat does not refer to any dictionary at all. Jammers are allowed to type anything, but their messages get put through a filter before they get displayed. Pretty neat huh?

For a long time, safe chat plus was only available to members. However, AJHQ has finally released safe chat plus to everyone. Why? It's because AJHQ recently reported that 100,000,000 players have registered for AJ and PW combined!

Well, that's it from me now, until the next post.

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