September 04, 2018

Random Tuesday Ep 01: Sol Arcade Den

Disclaimer: Random Tuesdays have been discontinued and merged with Random Saturdays.

Flint here with your first Random Tuesday! Today, we'll be talking about the Sol Arcade Den. 

The Sol Arcade Den is a small-ish den released in 2014. It’s nearly identical to the Sol Arcade structure, only lacking the machines/shops.

The ground is composed of blue platforms, including the platform you spawn on, connected by paths/floor on the rest of the ground. Next to the spawn platform is a rocket, identical to the Sol Arcade structure’s rocket except with wood filling in the doorway.

There are some rocks surrounding the rim of the den, as well as rocks surrounding certain platforms and a half circle of rocks in the middle of the den. On the bottom left of the den, there is a boarded-up light source carved into the rock. It is unknown what this is supposed to be.

The floor- and wallpapers in this den usually have special textures. Most of the wallpapers change into the surface of a planet or another space theme. The floors can be a variety of things, usually more abstract/loopy versions of the original carpet.

Time for my opinion!

I like the overall theme of the den, as a spaceship. The wallpaper patterns are also creative and pretty. The platforms are open, but still defined, so you can use them as rooms. The den is also small enough that you can easily see all of it, preventing you from getting lost as you do in bigger dens.

I dislike the amount of nooks in this den. There are multiple places where the area is too small to set up a room in, but too big to leave empty. There are also almost no walls aside from low rims around the platforms and the outer walls, which makes it hard to use wall decorations. The outer walls also appear to be perfectly smooth, while the trim is a polygon with corners, making most things placed on the wall look weird.

Overall, the design of the Sol Arcade Den is cool, but it also has a weird layout that makes it hard to set up things in it. That's all for today! Thanks for reading!

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