September 08, 2018

Random Saturday Ep 04: AJ vs PW

Hello guys, and welcome to another episode of your Random Saturdays. Today, I'm going to be touching on the similarities and differences between AJ and PW. Without further ado, let's go.

To do this comparison, I will be listing a few categories, and comparing AJ and PW using the listed categories.

1. Age
AJ is definitely older than PW. AJ started in 2010, while PW started in 2015. This makes AJ older than PW by 5 years.

2. Membership Advantages
In both AJ and PW, members are able to do more and get more than non-members. In both AJ and PW, members get premium currency - diamonds in AJ and Sapphires in PW. In addition, in both games, there are member-only items that only members can purchase. However, there is a significant difference here. In AJ, many of the items sold in all stores are only purchasable by members. In PW, all items in all regular stores can be purchased by all members. The only member-only items can be found in packs (as weekly gifts), the weekly member gift and the travelling salesman, who carries both member and non-member items. However, although only members can purchase the items, it doesn't mean that only members can use them. That's right, non-members are also able to use and wear those items, provided they are able to trade for it. However, there is another difference. In AJ, all adventures (except for the forgotten desert) are available to all members. On the other hand, PW has a mechanic called Pack Runs that is only available to members. In this regard, both AJ and PW have membership advantages. However, the membership advantage in AJ is much more glaring that the one in PW.

3. Lands
Being older, AJ has many more lands that PW. Balloosh, Bahari Bay, Crystal Reef, Deep Blue and Kani Cove are the lands that exist in AJ but not in PW. (As of writing this post)

4. Animals
Being older, AJ also has more animals than PW. In fact, PW has no flying animals at all. While AJ is continually releasing new animals, the animals that we get in PW are animals that can already be found in AJ. However, in AJ, most animals are member-only. In PW, all animals are available to everyone for purchase.

5. Regular Games
Being older, AJ has many more games than PW does. Sky High, Mira Says and Swoopy Eagle for just a few examples of games that exist in AJ but not in PW. On the other hand, PW also has a few games that AJ doesn't. Jumbled Up, A Puppy's Tale and Block Break are a few examples. That being said, AJ still has a wider variety of regular games than PW does.

6. Buddy Games
While AJ may have more regular games than PW, PW actually has more buddy games than AJ. PW doesn't have Pairs, Rock Paper Scissors, The Shell Game and Tic Tac Toe, which AJ does. However, AJ doesn't have Checkers, Pop'n, Super Cube, Trivia, Jamaa Derby, Beachside Blitz, Stack Attack and Log Jammer, all of which PW does have. By a direct comparison, PW has a wider variety of buddy games than AJ does.

7. Freedom of Speech
AJ has 3 ways to chat. Safe chat, bubble chat and safe chat plus. Safe chat plus is the most unrestrictive of chats. However, it is members only. PW has 2 ways to chat. Bubble chat, and safe chat.

8. Music
Although both AJ amd PW have amazing soundtracks, I have to say that PW has an overall better soundtrack than AJ, from my point of view. This is because PW comes up with a new soundtrack for every new den that comes out in the game. Those soundtracks have very high atmospheric quality. They set the ambience of the paired den very, very well. Also, PW and AJ have the same land OSTs for the lands and parties they share, if I'm not mistaken. Thus, overall, I feel that PW has a better soundtrack.

9. Earning premium currency
The premium currency for AJ is diamonds, while that of PW is sapphires. I personally find it easier to collect sapphires in PW than diamonds on AJ, as a non-member. This is because the only way to get diamonds in AJ as a non-member is through the daily spin, amd chances are so low. In PW, they have a system I like to call the Games Rewards System because they reward you with sapphires when you hit certain milestones in PW games. For example, you can earn a total of 30 sapphires for completeing all the levels of gem breaker. Thus, it is generally easier to earn sapphires on PW than AJ.

10. Extra features
In this regard, I think AJ has more extra features than PW. AJ has the Jammer Wall, party hosting, and adventures which PW does not have. However, PW has packs, pack runs and levels which AJ does not have. However, from an overall standpoint, AJ still has more extra stuff to do than PW does.

11. Other thoughts
I personally feel that the overall atmosphere in AJ is slightly Darker than the atmosphere in PW. I think that this could be due to the fact that AJ has the adventure storyline going on, while PW does not. In AJ, the story about phantoms is all over the place, while phantoms in PW only make their appearance during the night of the phantoms.

Alright, that's all I can think of now. Stay tuned for your next random saturday coming next week!

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