August 31, 2020
Random Saturday Ep 63: AJHQ Instagram Contests
August 25, 2020
Agent Insights Ep 55: Auto-download and how to stop it
August 23, 2020
Random Saturday Ep 62: Tiki Trouble
August 18, 2020
Agent Insights Ep 54: "Golden" Pet Pigs
Hello everyone. Flint here, to talk about a minor point that's still worth bringing up.
Golden pets are usually worth a lot. These gold-colored variants of other pets range in value from only 2 being confirmed in the game in the case of Golden Armadillos to a decent short at minimum for Golden Bunnies.
You may have seen or heard of Gold Pet Pigs before. These pigs are colored gold, and wear a top hat. These are not real gold pets, however, and aren't worth anything. This is because the top hat and the gold color are an accessory that can be obtained by visiting the Pets Only Party or the Play as Your Pet Party. All you have to do to get one is buy a pet pig from the diamond shop, and wait until one of those two parties rolls around. There are no Golden Pet Pigs besides these ones.
Anyone who claims that they have a Golden Pet Pig and that it's worth a lot is lying. Don't trade anything more than what you'd trade for an in-store item. There are no Golden Pet Pigs, only regular pigs with an accessory.
That's all for today. Just remember that Golden Pet Pigs aren't real gold pets and aren't worth anything. Bye!
August 15, 2020
Random Saturday Ep 61: Color Cloud and Color Coordinator (AJPW)
What's up everyone! Today, I bring another episode of Random Saturdays! The topic for today is about the color cloud and the color coordinator in AJPW. Without further ado, let's get started!
Both the color cloud and color coordinator are features that can only be used with a membership. Both are features that allow you to pick colors that are not readily available on the palette. We have a separate Random Saturday (Tuesday) that touched on secret colors. You may find it here.